Rural Water Supply Training
By Fire Chief Adam Grossman
May 2, 2016

Firefighters spent several hours Monday night training for a situation where they might not have a fire hydrant or a static water source to put out a fire. In rural areas fire hydrants are not always available and water tenders are used to shuttle water into a fire scene.

Both Engines from Sadsburyville as well as a 3,000 gallon water tender from Westwood participated in the drill. Firefighters practiced fire attack, supplying the attack engine and shuttling water to a fire.

Water was shuttled in by Engine 44-5 and dumped into a port-a-tank where both Sadsburyville Engines pumped the water to each other.

In the end Engine 44-5 set up as a nurse tanker and pumped the water to the Engines. All firefighters were able to practice their skills in the different areas of the drill.

Units: Engine 31-1, Engine 31-2
Mutual Aid: Engine 44-5