New Rescue Tools Placed in Service
By Sadsburyville Fire Company No. 1
October 30, 2015

During the months leading up to October 30th, 2015, the Sadsburyville Fire Company had received a grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency's Department of Homeland Security for the amount of $26,000 to purchase new hydraulic rescue tools. After this notification we held several training sessions with rescue tool manufacturers to ensure we were buying the best tools that our grant money had to offer.

This week we took delivery of our new Hurst Rescue Equipment that included 2 power units, a ML-28 Defender Spreader and the JL-500 Cutter. In addition we received new hoses to connect all of this equipment together for operation. All equipment we have has been retrofitted to the new style "one coupling" Hurst system that can be used when pressurized. This new style of connection allows for faster setup operations and the ability to quickly change out tools during operation.

With this purchased equipment we are able to run 5 Hurst tools simultaneously between all of our power units and rescue tools. We are very pleased to offer this service to our community and thankful for the Federal Government in assisting us with this purchase. Also we are grateful for our Grant Writer John Sly for assisting us with securing these funds to better our service to our community. The new equipment is placed in service on Rescue-Engine 31-1. Engine 31-2 also carries additional rescue equipment to support Engine 31-1 in a rescue operation.