Auto Accident with Fire on the Route 30 Bypass, Sadsbury Township
By Fire Chief Adam Grossman
June 22, 2015

Just after midnight on June 22nd, 2015 the Sasburyville Fire Company and Keystone Ambulance 08 were alerted for an auto accident on the Westbound Route 30 Bypass East of Route 30 in Sadsbury Township. Chief Grossman marked enroute shortly after and was advised that the car may possibly be on fire.

Moments later Chief Grossman arrived and found a car well involved with flames. Engine 31-1 arrived, stopped short and ran the front bumper line to extinguish the fire. There was only one vehicle involved and no injuries were reported.

Sadsburyville units remained on the scene for just under an hour assisting with traffic control and cleaning up equipment from the suppression efforts.

Units: Engine 31-1